Monday, October 21, 2024

WGU MSCSIA Week 3: Passed D482!

 Week 3 has finished and got the email this morning that I passed D482!

I did have to do a revision and thankfully it was all minor. I only had to fix some things in 2 parts but considering that I haven't done any paper essays in about a decade I didn't feel bad at all.For anyone reading. For anyone reading and getting ready to start the course, I would recommend to double check your work and make sure you follow what the rubric needs. Don't over think it too much. Try to start writing what you want to write, templating your essay and then start on it. 

 For Week 4, I'm going to begin working on the next course, D486 and hoping to start major work on the essay later this week as well.

My goal is to try and get CySA+ before Thanksgiving and accelerate the next set of classes before December. I'll still be working on my essay and listening to CySA+ videos while trying to take practice quizzes when I can.

I finished the CySA+ course on Percipo as a "Let's see what I'm getting into" while the LinkedIn Course I'm doing will be the one Ill pay more close attention to.

Anyways, let's see what D486 is all about!

See you guys next week.

Also, I registered for Game Off 2024. November will be super busy.

Monday, October 14, 2024

WGU MSCSIA - Week 2: Beginning my 2nd class!

Week 2 was a breeze. I started my 2nd course which I ended up doing D486 Governance since it's another paper assessment course. I am listening/watching CySA+ videos while I'm doing the labs and course material to get a head start which I'm hoping to commit to CySA+ by the end of October and be certified in early November!

I'm almost done with the paper assessment for D482 and I did a lot of research to make sure I was on the right track. Been looking at reddit for tips but now that I started writing the paper, it's all coming together. I might have been overthinking it or it could be because I haven't been doing anything school related in over a decade. I had to look up how to write an essay and what APA sources were!

So far the experience has been great and the labs have been very educational. I found that the on-hand labs has been pretty useful and it made me more comfortable using the terminal/CLI when I am running on my homelab.

Week 3 is just starting and my goals is to finish the course material for D486 and begin the paper assessment for that by the end of the week. I am also hoping to be able to submit my D482 Paper by Wednesday Night but I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow night.


November Game Jam is around the corner so I will try to commit some time for that. 

I'm planning on getting a Dell Micro for a Proxmox Backup Server and upgrading my T7910 from 64GB Ram to 128gb ram. My Home Server/Lab will be functioning soon for a 24/7 uptime and I can't wait to play with it even more.

Monday, October 7, 2024


 Week 1 have finished and it's been great! I enjoy the labs as I get to experience software I have yet to use and watch*(listen) to the videos while I do them. I just finished the course material and will begin working on the Paper Assignment. I'm hoping to submit it by Friday and start the next course by the weekend. (And then use next week to fix/edit if needed).

the CYSA+ course is up next but I think I will start the next paper assignment course alongside CYSA+ and listen to the course/videos at the same time while I work on it.

D482 Secure Network Design is not too bad. A lot of it has been a refresher from Security+ but I did learn new things and reinforced some of the stuff I already knew. The Paper Assignment is a little tricky on this one since we have to make a topology chart but overall I think I can finish it in just a few pages (minus the chart) but I been seeing some folks finish it with over 15 pages. So I will have to double check and reevaluate what I need to write. 

I meant to write this post last night but I forgot to charged my macbook. I did get a basic lenovo for school stuff but I'm also been using it to learn networking and going through my server.

What I learned/done this week (last technically): 

  • XAMP/Apache/MYSQL on personal server in a VM
  • Watching Network+ Professor Messer Videos
  • Got a WoW Server Running
  • Got a Maplestory v83 Server Running
  • Installed Debian and work with MYSQL/MariaDB
  • Played around with Wireshark and Metasploit
  • Learned Linux Commands
I will add a new page/channel soon for my tech journey. Mainly just coding games and working with software/hardware. See you guys next week for Week 2!

Forgot to mentioned that my Company finally transitioned and are officially Black Duck

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Time to start classes

 I am now a student at WGU and I begin my Masters journey in less than a few weeks. I'm planning on grinding and hoping to do weekly blog posts to follow my journey as I tackle the MSCSIA program.

I'm coming in with the ISC^2 CC transferred as well as Security+ experience (in terms of educational wise).

My goal is to finish the paper classes in less than 2 weeks and spend most of my time on the Comptia exams as they are the ones I believe matters most.

I been casually listening to CYSA+ videos at work so I'll be ahead and most likely well go through the course materials real quick and focus on studying and taking practice exams/quizzes.

I have a dedicated windows laptop atm so I'm going to be working on some projects in the mean time.

But hey, let's get that Diploma.

Stuff I am going to learn in the mean time:

Powershell Scripping

Windows Server 2022

Ubuntu Server

Stuff I am wanting to implement/do this year:

Jellyfin Server

MUD Server

Finish a small RPG in RPG Maker MV

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Projects underway!

 Going to be a short post! But I will start showing progress on my projects soon.

Hollowgrounds is going back into Development later this Fall/Winter

I am starting a new short RPG to learn the in and outs of RPG Maker MV before moving to MZ (Or Unite)

I pushed back my start date for my Masters Program to October 1st (Give me more time to prep in advanced)

I'm now turning team skynite into a digital media creation company.

Big plans with big dreams that may fall but I will have fun and learn while doing it.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

I'm an ISC2 Member now.

 I took and passed my test on the same day (July 15) and received my certificate the next day. 50$ a year isn't that bad especially since the program makes you get CPE (continue education) to keep your certificates. I like this approach because I feel like many people earn certs and when they don't get a job they just let it sit there and they are not doing anything to level up or keep up with the trend.

This makes me wanna attend webinars and read articles to get my 15 CPEs a year. I know its more when you get your CISSP but hopefully at that time I'll be ready to contribute to the world out there.

Anyways this is nice because now it's one less class for me and I'm feeling more accomplished than I ever been when I started on this security journey a few years ago. It's time to keep going.

I'll be working on my own personal projects once I get a new computer. (A dedicated computer to work on stuff).

See you soon.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I'm a graduate student now.. I think

 When I think of Graduate students I think of those who is working on their masters/Ph.D but at a brick and mortar school where they get a stipend and all that. (I might be misremembering). But I'm officially been admitted to WGU's Master Program for Cybersecurity and Information Assurance. (referring to this program as MSCSIA from now on).

And I'm pretty excited!

I have my (ISC)2 CC exam scheduled for next week and if I pass I hope I can use that to take one less class which means one less exam so I can finish way earlier.

I been watching videos and tips on the program and I think I will approach the Pentest+ stuff first as I'm not into the Pentesting realm but more towards the fundamental/analytical side of things. After the Pentest+ exam (and hopefully pass). I will focus on CySa+ and all the other paper essays I will have to do and finish off with the Capstone hoping to start that 2 months before my term ends so I have some extra time to relax and research.

I'm starting September 1st. 

I'm hoping to blog or maybe vlog about my journey but those whose been keeping up with me, thanks.

See ya soon.

WGU MSCSIA Week 3: Passed D482!

 Week 3 has finished and got the email this morning that I passed D482! I did have to do a revision and thankfully it was all minor. I only ...