Tuesday, March 12, 2024

A quick update!

 Just wanted to let you guys know what's been going on these last few weeks + upcoming weeks as I may not blog until April.

I started my professional development again with Calbright Cyber Security training almost done. Planning on takin the Security+ Exam sometime in April! I'm going to start casually studying every night and then buckle down a week or two before.

I relogged into my Udemy and found that I have not completed a lot of the courses  I bought ranging from web dev to game development so I decided to start on Django again.

I have a lot of time in between sessions where I can focus on doing programming studying and keeping up with my hobbies. Some of the things that I would like to do after I finish these courses is finally build out the projects I want to do (That I outlined before)

So some of the stuff that I will be working on/relearning are:

  • Django/Python
  • Angular/Mean Stack
  • Byond (Dream Maker)
I would like to rebuild my blog from scratch mainly so I can have more control over it but we will see.

Until then, keep on going!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

A Long March

 Hello everyone! I'm back at relearning Python/Django and been doing a udemy course! As I mentioned before, this will help me work with Evennia a lot better/easier and will give me a leg up in Cyber Security since a lot of scripting is mostly done in Python.

After getting more comfortable with Python, I would like to learn and use pygame for game jams moving forward (with the occasional Pico8). I'm hoping to begin using python/pygame for the 2024 Version!

I'm revisiting some old notes for past projects I worked on and thinking of bringing a few back. One of them include's Cleo's Network.

I'm almost done with the Calbright program and hoping to double down on the final exam studying starting in April and finish it fully by May. It's been a long journey so far but I been learning tons of great stuff!

Hollowgrounds is still on the board, but I'm re-doing a lot of stuff in terms of story/background of the game. I have been playing a lot of retro RPGs to get a feel of how to make fun and engaging dungeons like in Chrono Trigger/Zelda

Play TSN! Community Servers will officially go live to the public (even though anyone on the discord can join) but I'm pretty excited of getting it setup and hopefully offer more soon.

WGU MSCSIA Week 22: It's Too Soon To Start Over

 Just submitted my PA for D485 and now I'm debating if I want to start on the next course to get a head start for the next semester. I...