Wednesday, December 25, 2024

WGU MSCSIA - Week 12 - Time for Vacation

 I was able to wrap up the certmaster lesson plan but now I'll try to get some of the quizzes in before attempting the practice assessment.

Looking to still get my Pentest+ exam in early February. It's the holiday break so no major updates.

 Happy Holidays

See yall next year

Monday, December 16, 2024

WGU MSCSIA: Week 11 - Holiday Month

 Nothing new here! Did get my CySa+ and waiting for the certificate in the mail. It's the holidays and I'm just catching up on video games while casually going through Certmaster for Pentest+.

Nothing super new, probably be short posts leading up to the new years.

Might be going to London in February though. haven't updated my Resume but I did change my Linkedin. Might need to update a bunch of stuff as well.

Until then, Stay real Night Owls.

Monday, December 9, 2024

WGU MSCSIA - Week 10: CySa+ Certified + Pentesting Time

 I passed! It was a tough one but I was able to endure 2+ hours and come home being certified. The questions written were a lot harder than Security+ but I think I aced the PBQs with me thinking there was probably 1 or 2 I might have gotten wrong but I felt comfortable with the PBQs.

My study guide the 2 weeks before the exam were:

Dion Udemy Videos + Practice Exams

Dion Study Guide

Comptia Cert Master 

But when I started the course I had Mike Chappele's Linkedin Video playing in the background while I was work so I can expect what to come when I buckle down.

I will do the same for Pentest+ and I already started the Certmaster a little early. I'm hoping to take the exam on February and accelerate the next course before the end of my term in March (Thankfully the last class only needs a paper)

Nothing super new but I'm glad to have 2 certs under my belt. I'm about half way done with the program and I'm a term away from getting a Masters.


Now that I'm not trying to finish a whole masters program in 6 months I'm planning on working on my personal projects. I am aiming to try and convert a VB6 Project in C# with the hopes of cross-platform compatability. 

So it's time to learn C# on the side as well (Well be good in general for Game Development)

I might eventually re-learn python with frameworks (Django) and C for custom modules for Neverwinter. But we will see!

Monday, December 2, 2024

WGU MSCSIA - Week 9: It's Time

 Nothing new. Just been studying. CySA+ scheduled for this Friday. Let's cram it in!

Also released my Game Off 2024 game:

That's it. Just studying and taking the test. Will report back next week.

My Study Guide:

Following the Dion Study Notes before Bed

Watching CySA+ Videos in the background at work

Taking practice exams

(After finishing CertMaster)

WGU MSCSIA Week 22: It's Too Soon To Start Over

 Just submitted my PA for D485 and now I'm debating if I want to start on the next course to get a head start for the next semester. I...