Wednesday, February 26, 2025

WGU MSCSIA - Week: 21 - Almost Done

 We're about a month away and I'm going to work on my last class. It looks like I'll be able to start on the next class and drop so it doesn't affect me and will give me a head start for when I start on the program again in May.

Nothing major as I just got back from Londom from judging EUIC but I am planning on working on my personal projects as well as starting a new TCG Podcast as well as my new retro computing channel starting with C64 stuff.

I will now be based in DFW starting next month so it's going to be interesting. Going back to the south.

Stay tuned for some stuff.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

WGU MSCSIA - Week 20: London Time!

 Been casually going through the course material and doing some of the reading and it's all been pretty interesting. Making me wanna pivot from the hands on SOC stuff to more GRC related auditing jobs.

I'm about to hop on the plane to London but when I get back next week I will grind on looking for a new job. I'll apply for unemployment and look for roles that I really want.

I already sent in about 50+ applications with one hr call so far. I also put in application for an apartment in Plano.

Let's do this.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

WGU MSCSIA: Week 19 - Pentest+ Passed!

 Big news...

I passed the Pentest+ with a score of 761 which I did 10 points better than CySa+. It was a little bit harder but the labs were probably the best part.

Now it's time for the other big news.... I got laid off so I'm going to be job hunting as soon as I get back from London and enjoy a little bit of me time.

I am working on D485, which is Cloud Security. Thankfully it's mainly a Lab with a paper assessment so I'll be focusing my free time on this. Last course for the term!

About 6 weeks left in the term and still toying with the idea of taking one more course but we will see depending on how much of the PA I get done.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

WGU MSCSIA: Week 18 - Paper Assessment done, time for the exam.

 Got the passing mark for my paper assessment with no fixes/amends I needed to do and now I'm off to focusing most of my school time on Pentest+

I am currently taking Dion's practice exams and casually reading through the sybex book. I finished Dion's PT0-002 notes and been going through the tryhackme's module for Pentest+

I'm getting comfortable good scores and knowing what I miss when casually doing the exams. (I finish them in 20 minutes or less). I'll take extra time when doing the actual exam. I usually spend about 45 minutes answering first then doing the PBQs then use the remaining time to double check my answers.

I think for the CySa+ exam. I had about 67 questions with 5 of them being PBQs so I spent almost an hour (before checking answers) answering 62 questions. (Give or take)

I have about 165 minutes to take the actual exam so you bet I will use most of my time.

I will take one more course after this since it's only a paper assessment. I think I'll start on it next week as my last class for the term which means I will only have 4 courses left to take to get my Masters. I thought about taking one more after the paper assessment course since it is just an exam but I don't have the infrastructure at home to take that with the requirements WGU has.

Nonetheless, I will still only have 4 courses left to finish in 6 months. On average I would be able to take a month for each course. But I might knock out the 2 online assessement courses in a month (or at most a month and half) and spend the rest of the term working on my capstone project and paper assessment course.

Let's go

WGU MSCSIA Week 22: It's Too Soon To Start Over

 Just submitted my PA for D485 and now I'm debating if I want to start on the next course to get a head start for the next semester. I...