Monday, November 25, 2024

WGU MSCSIA - Week 8: Relaxing Time

 Slow week. With the access to Udemy with WGU I was able to enroll into Dion's Training Course for CySA+ so I been watching that in the background and reading the study notes before build. So far, it's been great and I just been relaxing for the most part.

I scheduled the exam for December 6, so once Thanksgiving is over I'm going to buckle down and cram for a week.

Nothing of note but I am slowly actively developing my text adventure for Game Off 2024.

I did come back from Judging Pokemon Regionals in Sacramento so I am exhausted. But I will continue to study for a bit during vacation.

Gaming Gen @ Pokémon Regionals Sacramento (@GamingGen) on X

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WGU MSCSIA: Week 11 - Holiday Month

 Nothing new here! Did get my CySa+ and waiting for the certificate in the mail. It's the holidays and I'm just catching up on video...