Wednesday, January 29, 2025

WGU MSCSIA: Week 17 - Cram Time

Just cramming for Pentest+ and spending most of my free time working on labs and studying. I am almost done with the Paper Assessment for D484 and it's pretty straightforward once I figured out what I wanted to write and gather my sources.

I might tend to overthink things but once I'm in the zone I am locked in.

Hoping to turn it in for review in a couple of days and if I need to revise hoping to get that done by the end of the weekend so I can focus mainly on Pentesting.

Also will be studying Linux for RHCSA, maybe not full time but something to read in the mean time if it something that I want to get into.

I do like using linux for servers and projects, so it might be good to finally learn what goes on under the hood.

Time to work on more projects!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

WGU MSCSIA: Week 16 - Nothing New

 Hey guys, sorry for the late post. Forgot there was a 3 day weekend. Still studying and working on my paper assessment.

Started doing some C# work so I'll get working on my own personal projects soon.

February 7th is a couple weeks ago.

Let's get a pass!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

WGU MSCSIA - Week 15: PenTest+ Scheduled!

 It's on for February 7th, and I'll be seeing Set Your Goals as a happy man or a sad man but either way I am releasing some frustration that night.

Right now I am finishing up the PT-003 Dion Course on Udemy just by listening to it in the background. I know the exam is on PT-002 so I'll be working on PBQs and domain/practice exams for those until February.

I'll also start on the Paper Assignment later this week and hoping to start the next course by the end of February.

I got my tickets booked for London and I'll be traveling back down to LA in a few weeks and I know it's on fire and I hope everything is good.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

WGU MSCSIA - Week 14 - Back to Pentest+

 It's the end of my mini vacation and it's the start of the new year. I just have been working on Certmaster stuff and now I'm getting down into study mode. Nothing much of an update but I am going through the PBQs and Final Assessment studying.

It feels like half of it is CySA+/Security+ and the other half is all new (Pentest+) I'm thinking I should be okay but I should learn how each tool works. 

I read that nmap is important so I'll get a Kali  Linux VM up and running on my server and play around with it on the weekend.

Let's become certified hackers.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

WGU MSCSIA - Week 13 - New Years

 Late post, but happy new years! Nothing new on my end except that I'm going to be working on some new projects now.

Paper RPG Maker looks cool and I plan on using that for a short series of games I want to do.

Still studying for that PenTest+ and hoping to take it in early February so I can start my next course and finish it before the end of May

I need to get new shoes.

WGU MSCSIA Week 22: It's Too Soon To Start Over

 Just submitted my PA for D485 and now I'm debating if I want to start on the next course to get a head start for the next semester. I...