Tuesday, January 14, 2025

WGU MSCSIA - Week 15: PenTest+ Scheduled!

 It's on for February 7th, and I'll be seeing Set Your Goals as a happy man or a sad man but either way I am releasing some frustration that night.

Right now I am finishing up the PT-003 Dion Course on Udemy just by listening to it in the background. I know the exam is on PT-002 so I'll be working on PBQs and domain/practice exams for those until February.

I'll also start on the Paper Assignment later this week and hoping to start the next course by the end of February.

I got my tickets booked for London and I'll be traveling back down to LA in a few weeks and I know it's on fire and I hope everything is good.

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WGU MSCSIA: Week 18 - Paper Assessment done, time for the exam.

 Got the passing mark for my paper assessment with no fixes/amends I needed to do and now I'm off to focusing most of my school time on ...