Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Hello World... From Byond!

 Before I get right to it, I just wanted to announce that I proably be closing my original blog that I had running for almost a decade at It's seen better days and now that I'm more focused on my professional career than my non-existent esports and music career. I might as well pivot over here. Needless to say, I will continue blogging but I will be more active on this one.

It's been a week and I been enjoying game development at a small pace. I decided to use Godot for a test text adventure game and will use Byond for a couple side projects I will make with my friends. I am planning on two official products for my start up but Mockinbird, at its core, will still be a game jam team. With the goal to complete 2 jams a year and releasing a game every few years (Unless its an on-going online game).

I have been going through a tutorial that I found on the Byond forums and I did my own art. Which I will learn how to do cause I would like to make my passion project in the same vein as Ultima 7/Runescape.

I got the Dream Maker/Byond plugins installed with VSC with a custom setting for Byond filetypes that I got over from Grind Knight's VSC video (

It's still a work in progress but I was able to make some Verbs, which are commands that Players can do, akin to Methods for JS objects (among many other programming languages).

What I like to do when I follow a tutorial is always try to implement something that I learned. Either being another Verb or command, or adding in my own graphics. At least that way I'm always applying what I'm learning.

Anyways, that's it for me for the day. Don't know how frequent I will blog but expect at least once a week. I'm hoping to get my RPG project back, I started one a few years ago but lost it because I forgot to back it up unfortunately.

It's nice to see something you created work

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