Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I got another test coming up

 So I saw that WGU has ISC2 CC certification as part of the program and I also found out that the exam + training is currently free so I decided to take it and scheduled for Mid July and use it to transfer over to WGU for me to take one less class. Which means less stress and be ahead to finish within 6 months! (one term).

The certifications are going to be nice and recently discovered about the CISSP certification which is probably going to be my end-game goal alongside the CASP+

With a MS in Cybersecurity and all these professional certifications, I'll be on the road to become a tech professional. Maybe I'll write my own books or get my own articles published. That would be the dream.

I haven't coded in a long time but I'm hoping to dive deep into it this November for the Game Jam along side with my studies. I'm hoping to finish a lot of work by November so I can shift focus onto development.

Right now, I'm spending time filling out scholarships. Let's hope I get them!

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