Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Gralina/HG - Dev Log #2

 If you guys are wondering what the HG stands for in the title, it's the name of the game now. So moving forward, Hollowgrounds is the name of the main game where Gralina will be the first Episode/Chapter of the game. With the 2nd Episode, being an expansion. I'm expecting the dev lifespan at the rate that we are going is at least a year and a half. Server will be up until someone beats the game and then after that the server will be up for at least another year or until the server dies (if I decided to get like a 3 year server plan, etc)

So excuse me, if the Dev Logs end up changing titles, but as long as its either HG or Gralina, it's the same game otherwise, other projects will be here as well. But if you are coming here from either the splashpage or, then it should be following the labels page, so all the articles/dev logs are in order!

If you guys are on the mockinbird discord, the Gralina category is up so you guys can see what we are doing as well as the Trello board. Most of my Dev logs will include snippets and screenshots of what we did but most of everything is behind the scenes that is available only to developers or known associates. 

Stuff we got done was:

  • Custom HUD Icons
  • Testing custom drawn armor
  • Guild System (Had to implement player variables)
  • Connecting to DEV Server (JeeJuz's side)
Showing off the custom icons I made and custom armor that JeeJuz made. The Armor Icons are default but we might change those as well

Hanging out with JeeJuz while wearing his new "Admin" Armor

We have a lot of stuff planned out and I'm hoping to get into more of a developer mode during the holidays but we do have a lot stuff in the pipeline and hoping to push out the "Prologue" build January 2024 with Episode 1, and 1.5 (the 2nd half of Episode 1) in Late 2024/early 2025. 

Not anytime soon, but once we get the CMS up for it in Late 2024, most of the announcements and such will be located there as well as the discord. We will make an official Discord for this game as well but more technical stuff of what I'm doing will be here. 

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